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Provide a variety of products and services to help you give full play to the value of your products and help your business take off

  • Intelligent platform
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  • Intelligent manpower
  • Intelligent data management
  • ERP products and Services
  • Saiyigushin industrial Internet platform
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  • SAP
GUSHEN Industries aPaaS platform SiE GUSHEN
Industrial aPaaS platform based on the whole value chain of research, production, supply and marketing of advanced manufacturing enterprises
Enterprise digital transformation Industrial Internet Cusen Industrial aPaaS platform The Valley of Sayyal
Ceres Industrial digital platform SiE IIDP
Industrial Internet of Things platform IIOT
Easy to build microapplications
Data service Edge-cloud collaboration
Equipment digital operation system SiE EDO
Digital, mobile management of equipment operation platform
Asset management Iot presentation Data operation
Quality management system SiE QMS
The exclusive visual production information management system in the era of intelligent manufacturing
Manufacturing execution system SiE MES
The exclusive visual production information management system in the era of intelligent manufacturing
Warehouse management system SiE WMS
Intelligent warehouse management solution to meet the needs of the whole supply chain collaborative management
Advanced Planning and Scheduling System SiE APS
Unicom enterprise upstream and downstream, covering the entire production process of fine production system
Sifang Cloud Manufacturing Execution System SFY MES
Process Manufacturing Execution System SiE MES(PIP)
Sky Survey Advanced Planning and Scheduling XT APS
Logistics executive management system SiE LES
Sifang Cloud quality management system SFY QMS
Seychelles MBM
Mr. Finance SiE MRF
Yuansuzhi financial innovation platform SiE MDFP
Data intelligence times financial management center
SuperModel SiE SPM
Marketing management system IMS
Leading the digital marketing upgrade
E-commerce application platform SiE EC
After-sales management system CSS
A new generation of after-sales service management system
SFY SRM, SFY Cloud supply chain collaboration platform
Digital integrated supply chain SiE DISC
Saiyi digital integrated supply chain products
Supplier relationship management system SiE SRM
Intelligent human resource management system SiE IHR
Master Data Management SiE MDM
Manufacturing intelligent platform SiE MI
Sifang Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning SFY ERP
Sifang Cloud intelligent quotation system SFY SQ
Sifang Cloud whole process traceability system SFY WPT
Knowledge management system SiE KMS
Saiyigushin industrial Internet platform
Oracle HCM Human Capital Management
The SiE-Oracle HCM cloud is simple and powerful
Infor WMS warehouse management system
Industry expertise, unparalleled reliability!
Microsoft Dynamics
Model-based rapid configuration modeling, improve the flexible production capacity of enterprises, global enterprise multi-factory MES system。
Support full life cycle management from product ideas and requirements, engineering and manufacturing, all the way to maintenance operations and obsolescence
SAP Service
For you to solve the full range of services and support!

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